Deep vacuuming is a cleaning process that we offer in our carpet cleaning services. Your regular vacuum cleaner does not have the necessary power to reach deep into the carpet fibers. Therefore, it is highly necessary by us to apply strong suction from our truck mounted carpet cleaning machine. By doing so we will be able to extract much more…

When it is time to remove stains from your carpet, two steps should be considered. First, you must stop the stain from growing. Applying more fluids and solvents to the stain without proper extraction will cause it to grow bigger. In addition, applying the correct carpet cleaning solvents will help break the stain from the fibers. Some carpet cleaning products…

The key factor to a great carpet cleaning is applying the hot water extraction step into the process. When you attempt to clean your carpet without the proper amount of heat, pressure and extraction, the results would not be satisfying. Moreover, when you apply the wrong amount of hot water extraction, you can actually damage the carpet. You should not…

How should you know when it is the right time for you to add protection? First, you should keep in mind that you can never be too safe. In addition, it is customary in our industry to add protection to your carpet or upholstery every other year. Depending on the amount of usage in your home, normally it takes about…