We Today we were called for carpet cleaning in Orange, California.

We find it important to share information about our specials jobs. By specials we mean, the jobs that are not a straight forward pre treating and steam cleaning. Some jobs that we arrive to are a bit more complicated, and there is so much to learn from.

Today we visited a new customer that called for carpet cleaning in Orange, California. Moreover, the customer has also noted that she has a few area rugs to clean as well. However, the main story about this job is actually about the carpet cleaning service.

Altogether, the carpet seemed find right as we walked in, however, with a closer look we were able to tell that someone has treated the carpet in the past without proper extraction. Therefore, we informed the customers that we see many hints on the carpet for poor carpet cleaning that was done in the past. So, we had to bring out our special deep cleaning formula for this deep carpet cleaning in Orange, California.

More to find about this carpet cleaning in Orange, California.

Not only that we had noticed some deep black marks on the carpet, is some areas it was evident that bleach was also used. Therefore, we asked the customer wehther they have any pet stains they know of. Mostly when we see unknown marks and bleach stains it means that there are pet stains on the carpet. Nevertheless, the customers has told us that she does not remember any pet incidents on the carpet.

The reason we have to know about every stain on the carpet right away, is that we pre treat heavily for the necessary stains.

Now that everything was pretreated for heavily stained carpet with dirt and dust, we begun. We started steaming the first room and moved to the second. By the second room we were able to notice that there is urine smell coming up as we go over with the steam. Therefore, we immediately told the customer to take a look and post traeted the infected areas with our strong anti bacterial.

Altogether, this carpet cleaning in Orange, California, has turned out looking great. However, we could have gone after the urine stains as well if we had known about them. So, we would like to emphasize the importance of full disclosure on any incidents on the carpet. By doing so you will get the best resutls that you wish for.

For more information about our carpet cleaning in Orange, California, please contact Green Carpet Cleaning Orange County.